Thursday, November 6, 2008

Value Management Methodology

4.1 Introduction The standard VS methodology is accepted universally by VM practitioners and its application is adopted as to whether to analyze the construction projects, products, systems and facilities. It is often referred as the Job Plan (JB). There are generally five distinct phases to the (JP) as in Figure 4.1
Figure 4.1 – Five steps of JB The five steps of the JB are shown diagrammatically in Figure 4.1 above. The significance of the arrows is that, whilst a cascade system is used, with each phase flowing on from and using the output of the preceding phase, there is frequently reversion to a previous phase, as a result of some discovery or unexpected development.

Figure 4.3 – Procedure of the 40 – Hour Workshops Source: J.R. Kelly & S.P. Male (1991), The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

4.2 Pre-study Preparation Preliminary discussion with the project client prior to the actual workshop is very important in ensuring all the parties involved understand the concept of the VMS, and know their role in the study. The topics of discussions and confirmation can be summarized as follows: • Assumptions, constraints and perceived problems. • Project givens and musts. • Function Analysis of Project. • Objectives and brief for study. • Selection of team members and number of teams. • Date and venue for study • Brief description of the Value Management Process

4.3 Value Management Workshop

The workshop can be classified into 5 phases namely: Information, Speculation, Judgement, Development and Recommendation & Action Plan. Introductory comments by a Senior Executive of Clients office is very important as that can highlight his vision and user requirements. Figure 4.3 illustrates the typical VM study session of 40-hour workshop conducted especially in USA. Some basic concepts of VM are explained by the VM facilitator such as brief description of the VM process its concepts and philosophy, what does a VM team do and the JP. Subsequently ,to that the formal VMS begins.

4.3.1 Information Phase
The information phase is the beginning of JB and it is crucial to understand the decisions that have influenced the development of the project design. Designers are present an-oral overview of the project. It includes the preparation of a cost model from the financial data collected earlier which could be prepared by the project Quantity Surveyors (QS) or Cost Engineers. Function are then analysed prior to the preparing of the Function Analysis System Technique (F.A.S.T) diagram (if necessary). The function analysis is the core of the VM technique. Cost and worth are than assigned to the function to identify the cost / worth ration of isolate the high cost areas. Prior to which the cost elements are validated. The higher the cost / worth ratio, the greater the potential for discovering and developing cost saving. Worth is assigned based on the fact on finding the least cost to provide the required function. The assignment of cost and worth will determine the area for further studies. The success of VM depends largely on the amount of information available on the project, product, system and facilities under analysis. To gather, collate and relate the information to the particular product. The following are some of the common question normally used when gathering the facts about the project, products, system and facilities. • What is the function? • What does it cost? • Does it perform reliably? • Query the design? • What was used before? • What did that cost? • How did it function? • Was it reliable? • Why was it changed? • How long will it be before the present design is changed?

4.3.2 Speculation Phase

Speculation or creativity to some practitioners is very important as during this session the workshop group generates a vast amount of ideas sometimes over 100 ideas. The principal question is what else can perform the same function?
The information phase of VMS never ends as it keeps adding on as the study progresses. The VM team then accomplishes the creativity phase to generate as many ideas as possible. The more basic information we obtain prior to the speculative phase, the easier the work would be during this phase. A brainstorming technique is adopted to stimulate the participants to be more creative and actively participate in the idea generation, speculate on how to perform a function. Here are some question that can stimulate the brainpower as suggested bt Prof. Roy Barton (1995) • Can we simplify function / anything? • Can we eliminate function / anything? • Can we add anything? • Can we relocate? • Can we change anything? The other questions that are normal asked are as follows. • Is the item worth what it cost? • What/how else will you perform the required function? • Could you make the item round instead of square? • Can you eliminate the need for a fitting by merely boring a hole? • Can you combine several functions in one part? • Why do you make the item out of metal? • Why can’t the item be made out of cheaper material such as wood or cloth? The participants are advised to recover every suggestion, even if the idea generated seems impractical.
Figure 4.3.2 helps to list the speculation on each function.
Brainstorming There are two distinctly types of thinking: • Analytical thinking • Creative thinking Analytical thinking is the traditional thought process of progressing from one logical step to another, whereas creative thinking seeks to breakout of this progression by making a ‘conceptual step sideways’. Edward de Bono has compare analytical thinking to process of digging the hole deeper whilst creative thinking is seen as finding somewhere else to dig hole. Creative thinking alone does not solve problems, it merely provides the alternative from which to choose. Analytical thinking is then required to evaluate the practicality and the comparative merit of the identified solution. Both types of thinking are necessary for solving open ended problem, which is part of VM structured methodology. Brain storming is one of the most effective and probably the most widely used process within a group to generate creative ideas. The processes became known as brainstorming because the participants were used to “storm” a problem.

4.3.3 Judgement Phase.
Ideas generated from the creative phase are the judged based on their merits and demerits. Ideas found impractical, irrelevant and / or not worthy of additional study are disregarded. Those ideas that have potential for cost saving or improvements to the project are then develop further. Eric Adam categorised the ideas as follows:- • Can be done right away (Category 1) • Good idea but will need the investigation or fund (Category 2) • Good idea for the future (Category 3) • Delete but keep on record (Category 4) Weighted Evaluation is adopted so as to rank the designs criteria and user requirements. Reviews of ideas are done together with the Client so as to get their commitment and feedback. The formal attached are normally used to rank and judge criteria idea. Prioritising Matrix and Evaluation Matrices These prioritising matrixes in Figure 4.3.3(a) and the weighted evaluation matrix Figure 4.3.3(b), are normally adopted by some practitioners during this judgement phase. These prioritising matrixes are adopted to measure the group perception of the importance of various factors pertaining to a single item, product or system. The weighted evaluation matrix is used assist in the evaluation of a range of option available pertaining to a particular problem for the single item. Example of such usage is the selection of the roof cover or any other useful application. The techniques have been successfully adopted in the proposed Exposition Centre in Johor Bahru, way back in 1994. The client and the designer were seeking VM expert advice to recommend the design criteria and the construction method, for the project to be complete beyond a normal construction pace. The building is an area of about 4,000m2 which needed to be complete within a period of less than 4 months. The information pertaining to the project was gathered before and during the workshop itself . It suggested to the design team to get an expert in the dry method of contraction Figure 4.3.3(c) and 4.3.3(d), where the flexibility of the design obtained the highest score the project promoter was to convert the exposition centre to a shopping mall later. By using the “evaluation matrix” from as in Figure 4.3.3(e), the VM study team concluded and recommended to the Client to use space frame as a method of construction which they followed and the project was completed ahead of schedule. The exposition centre was the converted into popular shopping mall.

Figure 4.3.3 (c)

Design Criteria
1. Space (layout and landscape)
2. Accessibility
3. Services
4. Image
5. Method of Construction
6. Context
7. Budget
8. Flexibility
9. Tender Options

Design Criteria
(Priority after Value Management Exercise – Refer to Figure 4.3.3 (c) )

1. Flexibility
2. Space (layout and landscape)
3. Method of Construction
4. Tender Options
5. Budget
6. Image
7. Context
8. Services
9. Accessibility

Figure 4.3.3 (d)

4.3.4 Development Phase

The ideas that had been evaluated and selected earlier are expanded into workable solutions. Alternative design sketches and illustration are prepared whenever necessary. The alternative proposal is estimated preferably with its life cycle cost that including not only initial cost, but also operation and maintenance during its economic life span. Although each JP phase has specific item that must be accomplished and specific cut off time and dates, it dost not mean that the JB is nonflexible. It may be necessary, after receiving new information, to revert back to the earlier phase of the JP to gain information or brainstorm new ideas.

4.3.5 Recommendation & Action Plan

The functions of the recommendation and action plan are to:-

• Sell Recommendations

The decision maker and the implementation people must believe is good recommendation.

• Incite Action

After the recommendations are accepted as being good, then there must be some direction to act. The VM team can resist request made by Client to review the implementation of the approaches recommended earlier.

• Convey Information

The specific details must be communicated in order to implement the ecommendations.

This phase is very important because without an effective report off the study, effort not bring much impact.



Penggunaan Kajian PN di USA telah lama berkembang dimana tidak kurang dari 14 agensi persekutuan yang terlibat dalam pembinaan telah menggunakannya dalam perancangan rekabentuk dan pembinaan malah telah mencapai penjimatan kos modal dan kos operasi yang signifikan. Selain itu,sektor swasta juga menggunakan pendekatan yang sama.
Prosedur berikut adalah cadangan panduan umum apabila hendak menjalankan kajian Pengurusan Nilai.


Semakan awal kajian PN digunakan semakin besar peluang penjimatan kos diperolehi. Semakin lewat semakin sukar untuk membuat penjimatan kos.

Semakin hampir proses rekabentuk siap, semakin bersedia pasukan PN memahami fungsi keseluruhan sistem dan semakin tepat dalam membuat penilaian dan Menyediakan alternatif- alternatif yang sesuai.

Usaha untuk menaplikasikan kajian PN hendaklah bermula semasa peringkat awal fasa rekabentuk lagi iaitu rekabentuk konsep dan menumpukan kepada bidang rekabentuk utama di mana keputusan perlu dibuat lebih awal.

Perkara perkara yang memerlukan semakan lebih awal termasuklah keperluan program,lokasi tapak,rupa bentuk struktur,sumber tenaga,impak sekitaran,kriteria dan standard,tata atur serta konsep.

Kajian awalan hendaklah dibuat sebelum siapnya 30% fasa rekabentuk. Kos ,tenaga dan kos kitaran hayat( LCC) hendaklah dijadikan sebagai sasaran utama bagi menjadi asas kepada pengenalpasti bidang/kawasan berpotensi yang dapat menyumbangkan penjimatan yang banyak.

Semakan kedua dijadualkan apabila rekabentuk siap 50-60%. Ini supaya semakan terperinci terhadap rekabentuk arkitek,elektrik,struktur dan mekanikal dapat dilakukan.

Semakan akhir untuk laporan akhir (final report) boleh dibuat sehingga 90% proses rekabentuk siap.


Objektif kajian PN adalah untuk mewujudkan satu usaha yang bersistematik,teratur dan tersusun bagi mendapatkan hasil/ produk yang tinggi nilainya.
Terdapat beberapa faedah yang berpotensi diperolehi hasil daripada menaplikasikan kajian PN

a) Masa
Aplikasi Pn di peringkat awal akan menjimatkan masa melalui penjelasan skop, mengurangkan
permulaan yang salah dan membantu menghindari terlebih bajet dan merekabentuk semula.
Semakin ketat jadual rekabentuk, semakin ia membantu untuk mendapatkan faedah faedah
tersebut melalui perjumpaan diadakan.
Usaha PN perlu dibuat selari dengan jadual biasa supaya masa tambahan tidak diperlukan.

b) Pemiawaian & Kemudahan( Standardization & Simplication)
PN memastikan yang pemiawaian dan kemudahan alternatif diberi pertimbangan untuk
mengurangkan kos melalui analisis fungsi yang tidak diperlukan.

c) Memisahkan Rekabentuk yang Lemah
Pasukan PN membuat semakan terhadap hasil kerja mereka yang bukan dari kalangan
perekabentuk asal bagi membantu sekiranya terdapat potensi kelemahan rekabentuk untuk
memperbaiki semasa proses rekabentuk.

d) Membantu dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah
PN merupakan satu kaedah penyelesaian masalah yang terbaik. Masalah yang berkaitan
dengan prestasi,realibiliti,keadaan luar jangka atau kualiti akan ditugaskan kepada ‘task team’
untuk ditingkatkan penyelesaiannya.

e) Menganjurkan Kajian Khusus dan Program
Kawalan kos,analisis ekonomi kitaran hayat,pemeliharaan tenaga,kajian sekitaran dan risiko
teknikal, semuanya dapat ditingkatkan dengan mengabungkan kesemuanya dalam kajian PN.
Fasilitator PN harus berbincang dengan klien atau pembuat keputusan untuk menetukan skop
kajian. Dengan itu objektif kajian dapat dijadikan sebagai rangka kerja dalam membuat kajian


Kejayaan kajian PN sesungguhnya bergantung kepada bengkel formal dimana pasukan kajian PN akan mengadaptasi Plan Kerja Berstruktur PN.

Fungsi penting pasukan PN adalah seperti yang ditunjukan dirajah berikut. Pasukan kajian PN dibentuk untuk mengumpul fakta, mendefinisi, mengklasifikasikan dan menilai fungsi, pakar sumber dan Menyediakan anggaran kos.

Kemudian proses ini diteruskan ke langkah seterusnya untuk menghasilkan idea dengan membuat spekulasi tentang fungsi. Idea yang telah dinilai seterusnya terpilih ,akan dibangunkan bagi memenuhi keperluan dankehendak klien.

Dalam proses ini, pasukan PN harus mencapai objektif kajian. Selain itu juga, setiap ahli pasukan perlu menggunakan nilai hubungan kemanusian yang baik dalam usaha untuk Memastikan suasana bengkel berjalan dalam keadaan yang bermanfaat dan dapat menghasilkan keputusan yang positif.


Adalah penting untuk memahami konsep pendekatan sistem kerana sebarang perubahan terhadap polisi dan strategi di sesebuah bahagian atau jabatan akan mempengaruhi bahagian yang lain sama ada secara lansung atau tidak lansung.

Keputusan untuk meningkatkan jumlah pasaran sesuatu produk sudah tentu mempengaruhi keupayaan pembuatan, sumber manusia, kewangan bahkan mungkin mempengaruhi keseluruhan polisi dan strategi organisasi.

Prinsip yang sama juga dipakai dalam pembinaan bangunan yang mana pendekatan sistem bukan sahaja terhad pada bangunan itu sendiri tetapi melibatkan penggunaan tanah untuk perancangan zon, kewangan, peraturan/undang- undang tanah dan sebagainya.

Teknik pengurusan Nilai melengkapkan aplikasi Teori Sistem. Methodologinya Menyediakan peluang untuk Memastikan semuanya adalah terbaik hasil dari sebarang sistem.


Lucey(1997): “ Satu Kaedah rangka kerja yang membantu menganalisis dan menjelajah operasi dan interaksi yang wujud dalam sistem di sekeliling kita .”

Universiti Terbuka United Kingdom mendefinisikan ‘sistem’ sebagai himpunan bahagian bahagian yang mana:

• Bahagian atau komponen dihubungkan antara satu sama lain dalam cara yang tersusun.

• Bahagian atau komponen saling mempengaruhi apabila berada dalam sistem dan berubah
apabila meninggalkanya.

• Himpunan itu menghasilkan sesuatu

• Himpunan itu dikenalpasti oleh seseornag sebagai ‘faedah khas’.

Definisi-definisi diatas mengandungi elemen terpenting pada bahagian, hubungan dan objektif. Ianya amat luas dan boleh dipakai pada sebarang sistem dikeliling kita. Contohnya sistem landasan, sistem akauntasi, sistem informasi dan sebagainya.


Beberapa aspek penting dalam analisi Sistem adalah :

• Semua sistem yang dicipta adalah bahagian bahagian yang berhubung kait atau terdiri dari
subsistem dan sistem hanya diterangkan sebagai keseluruhan.

• Sistem yang tersusun dalam sesebuah subsistem terbentuk daripada bahagian bahagian yang
lebih kecil.

• Bahagian bahagian daripada sistem tidak boleh diubah tanpa memberi kesan kepada bahagian
yang lain. Kebanyakan masalah organisasi berlaku akibat daripada mengabaikan prinsip ini.

• Subsistem harus berusaha untuk mencapai matlamat sistem yang lebih tinggi dan bukannya
mengejar objektifnya sendirian.

• Sistem yang berorganisasi mempunyai harta kejur dan harta lembut. Harta kejur dapat dinilai
mengikut cara yang objektif. Dengan kata lain, harta dalam sesebuah sistem berorganisasi
adalah hal yang berkaitan dengan nilai atau citarasa individu.

Sistem Analisis,juga dikenali sebagai ‘Sistem Berfikir’ atau ‘Teori Sistem Am’. Ia tidak Menyediakan senarai lengkap yang sedia siap sebagai penyelesaian kepada masalah organisasi. Sebaliknya ia memperkenalkan kepada organisasi tersebut sebagai satu sistem yang keadaanya amat rumit dengan hubungkait yang pelbagai dan membantu mengelakkan daripada membuat pandangan sempit terhadap masalah tersebut.

Prinsip ini digunakan dalam pembinaan di mana pemahaman terhadap hubungan antara pihak pihak terlibat adalah amat penting bagi meningkatkan lagi tahap komunikasi dan mencapai objektif projek dengan lebih baik.

Oleh yang demikian, Pengurusan Nilai menganjurkan sistem berfikir untuk melihat sesuatu perkara dalam perspektif yang lebih luas. Ia berkaitan secara terus dengan rekabentuk,perolehan, pemasangan dan /atau pembinaan.

1) Bincangkan mengapa Fasa Kreativiti/ Spekulatif merupakan peringkat yang penting di dalam sesuatu Bengkel Pengurusan Nilai (10markah)

2) Bincangkan dengan jelas tentang Rangka Kerja( Job Plan)